Whole School/ Phase Overviews
At Dallimore we are proud to have an ambitious, interesting and engaging curriculum, designed to provide children in our community with varied and enjoyable experiences. We aim to deliver carefully sequenced lessons that develop children’s curiosity in the world, whilst encouraging their love of learning and motivating them to succeed. We want to inspire our children to excel in every aspect of life, and aspire to grow into successful and confident citizens.
- At Dallimore Primary and Nursery School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural and physical development of all our children and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for adult life.
- We have spent time developing our curriculum intent and progression for each subject and placed an emphasis on developing children’s vocabulary. Our new curriculum is built around the principle that learning is an alteration in the long-term memory. Therefore, making progress means ‘Knowing More and Remembering More’.
- At Dallimore, we are developing the use of knowledge categories. These are the specific areas of study that are woven through our key topic drivers in history and geography. They appear in each topic to help pupils relate each topic to previously studied topics in order to form a strong and meaningful schema.
- We recognise the proficiency takes practise and are aware of the ‘illusion of mastery’ in that a child may have initial success with a concept or idea, but they forget things very soon after they are introduced. Because of this, we offer numerous opportunities to revisit and practise previously taught concepts, ideas and knowledge across the curriculum.
Click the buttons below to view the curriculum overview for each phase