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Trips and Visits and Visitors

Throughout the year we look for opportunities for trips, visits and visitors in order to complement and enhance the learning taking place in school. 

We are aware of the rising costs of visits and aim to minimise the financial burden on parents/ carers through welcoming visitors into school and looking for various funding streams. 

Below is a taste of some the trips, visitors and activities that have taken place over the last few months.

Mini First Aid

All children from Reception to Year 6 had first aid sessions delivered. They learnt how to deal with choking, CPR and using the recovery position. 

Condover Hall

In March 2022 150 children and 19 staff spent 3 days at Condover Hall near Shrewsbury.

We had a brilliant time taking part in a variety of activities including: archery, climb, abseiling, high wire, silent disco and laser tag.


Nottingham University Sports

Through our continued links with Nottingham University we have been able to access Discovery Days.

Year 3/4 took part in an absolutely brilliant SPORTS DISCOVERY DAY. All children took part in Korf Ball, Rugby, had a tour of the sports centre, learn about nutrition and designed their own sports kits.

We had an amazing day and the students were all really helpful.


Erewash Valley Gymnastics

Some children from OWLS class visited Erewash Gymnastics Club. They tried lots of activities and had a go on the variety of equipment. They had a great time and some children have since joined the club and regularly attend sessions. 

Parkside High/ Street Side


They deliver workshops in schools, children’s centres and out in the community. The team are committed to working with young people to develop confidence and resilience and to achieve their dreams and ambitions regardless of personal circumstances.

We have commissioned Street Side to work with children in year 6 to discuss peer pressure, positive choices and the dangers/ implications of anti-social behaviour, bullying and knife crime.
In July Street Side returned to school and transformed our garage wall with a beautiful mural.

Changing Lives

The Changing Lives Service is part of a national trailblazer project, funded by the Government as part of its ambitious plans to transform children and young people’s mental health as cited in the NHS Long-Term Plan.

Changing Lives Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) offer early intervention mental health support to children and young people in schools.

Charlotte and Molly visited school on Monday 21st March to deliver assemblies to all year groups. They talked about emotions, how these feel and what we can do to deal with these. They are returning in the next couple of months to work with some of the classes.


The whole school took part in Science week with a focus on ‘GROWTH’.

We enjoyed assemblies and workshops from ‘Fizz Pop Science’ and all classes carried out their own activities and investigations.