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Years 3 and 4

There are 3 classes in Year 3 and 4. There is a year 3 class, a year 4 class and a class of mixed year 3 and 4.
The teachers in Year 3 and 4 work hard as a team, along with our teaching assistants, to plan and deliver an exciting and informative curriculum for all of the children.

To complement our curriculum, each class in year 3 and 4 accesses 10 weeks of music tuition from Derbyshire County Council Wider Opportunities. This is based around 'World Percussion' and is either Djembe (African drums), Samba Band or Steel Pans. 

Children in year 4 go swimming on a Tuesday afternoon. 

The team consists of:
OTTERS (Year 3 & 4)– Miss Hind, Mrs Dewis, Miss Keane and Mrs Dunne
BADGERS (Year 3 & 4)– Mr Edwards, Mrs Knighton, Mrs Depadova and Mrs Butler
RABBITS (Year 3 & 4)– Miss Johnson, Mrs Syson, Mrs Hutchison and Miss Smith

Each year we organise a range of visitors and trips to support children’s learning. Every two years we offer a residential trip in order for children to take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which supports collaboration and team work.