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Ruby the Dallimore Dog

Meet Ruby- she is a 6 year old Cockapoo and has been coming into Dallimore since she was just a puppy

In 2016, the school governors agreed that we could have a dog to support children with their social and emotional well-being.

The risks of having a dog on site have been carefully thought out and we are confident that with careful and consistent management that this can be a successful and very safe initiative.

Ruby comes into school about 3 days a week and visits classes, sometimes sits with children who may be upset and enjoys lots of belly rubs and treats. Children take some responsibility for the safe handling and well-being of Ruby but also ensure that other children in school feel safe around her. Ruby is kept under close supervision at all times and we are sensitive to the needs and worries of all children.

We are lucky to have a fabulous field where Ruby can run around and chase the ball but sometimes groups of children (and an adult) take Ruby around Pioneer Meadows, our local nature reserve.

Dallimore Dog

If you have any concerns or worries about this please do not hesitate to contact school and we will be pleased to discuss these.

Below there are two documents: