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Years 5 and 6

In upper key stage two, we have 3 classes: Year 5, mixed year 5 & 6 and Year 6. We aim to ensure that all our children are ready to leave us with the skills and attitudes they need to be successful at their chosen secondary school and beyond. Learning is focused on achieving this aim, with each class continuing to develop their reading, writing and maths skills each morning, as well as focusing on raising aspirations.

Over the year, we cover a wide range of topics from The Vikings and Climate Change. Throughout our topics we aim to incorporate our own enterprise skills, for example we created our own Viking museum and opened it to all children and parents.

We look for opportunities for trips and visitors in order to contribute to our learning (eg visiting the Jorvik Viking Centre in York) and we have developed links with Nottingham University in order to raise aspirations and find out about potential courses and careers in the future. 

The current 5/6 team consists of:

FOXES (Year 5): Mr Cartwright, Mrs Harrison and Miss Rainsford

OWLS (Year 5 and 6): Mr Frost, Mrs Osborne and Mrs Fernandez

EAGLES (Year 6):  Mrs Frost, Mrs Martin, Mrs Boyce and Mrs Guest