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Breakfast and Tea-time club


Both these facilities are non-profit making and designed to provide before and after school care for those families who need extended hours.


Breakfast club is open from 7.30am. Children should enter breakfast club via the school hall.
Priced at £3.50 per day, this facility provides a healthy and hearty start to the day- with a wide choice of breakfasts available: toast, fruit, cereal, yoghurts, sausage and bacon rolls (certain days only).

In addition to providing a good start to the day, children learn social skills and have the opportunity to play co-operatively with a wide variety of toys and games.

Breakfast club must be booked via the ParentPay website:

  • Can be booked up to 7.30am
  • You will only be able to book your child in if there is credit on their account.
  • We cannot accept children into breakfast club who have not been booked in in advance

If it is your child’s first visit to breakfast club we do require a consent/ registration form to be completed so that we can ensure we are aware of any dietary needs. Consent forms for breakfast club can be collected from the school office.


Available from 3.30pm to 6.00pm, tea time club provides after school care, a drink and a biscuit/ snack and an activity.
The cost of using this facility is £5.00.

Tea Time club must be booked via the Parentpay website:

  • Can be booked up to 1.00pm
  • You will only be able to book your child in if there is credit on their account.
  • We cannot accept children into teatime club who have not been booked in in advance.

If it is your child’s first visit to Tea Time club we do require a consent/ registration form to be completed so that we can ensure we are aware of any dietary needs. Consent forms for Tea time club can be collected from the school office.