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Personal Development

The curriculum at Dallimore goes beyond just learning about individual subjects. We aim to support children to develop in many diverse aspects of life and hope that they become responsible, respectful and active citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life as adults. 

British Values

At Dallimore, we promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

We do this through our relationships with the children, our relationships with each other, our RE curriculum, our Thrive provision and assemblies. We also weave this into our visits and relationships with the local community.

Where appropriate/possible we invite speakers and visitors into school in order to provide a real context to what it means to be a good citizen. We also ensure that as many children as possible have the opportunity to visit various places in the local community to provide further context to what we teach.

Additionally, we promote British Values through our own STARFISH VALUES. These further reinforce the expectation that we should treat everyone with respect and be tolerant of others' beliefs, ideas and opinions.

Throughout the year, we involve the children in fundraising for external charities as well as for the school. This highlights to them that they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.

We take part in national initiatives such as Christmas Jumper day (Save the Children), Children in Need, Comic/ Sport Relief and raise money for local charities such as Treetops Hospice through sponsored events (Reindeer Dash).


School Council/ Class Ambassadors

 School Council/Class Ambassadors

We have signed up to Smart School Councils.

Classes democratically elect their Class Ambassadors who discuss key topics with our school council leader, Mr Frost. We use Smart School Councils to get the opinion of the whole school on things that are discussed by our class ambassadors. We use this to gauge interest in a particular thing, such as deciding on what we want to do for special days at school, like Comic Relief, or how we might raise money for a particular cause in school. Whilst our class ambassadors speak for the children in their class, Smart School Councils allows ALL children to have a say in the decisions made at school. This is one way in which we promote the British value 'democracy' with the children at Dallimore. 

Mental Health Week

It is important that we all talk about mental health.

Our Thrive provision forms the main provision for supporting children with their mental health and well being. We revisit this throughout the year and explore ways for children to communicate their feelings and look for resources and activities to support them with this.

We have MENTAL HEALTH AMBASSADORS who work with the Mental Health Leads and Changing Lives to plan and deliver assemblies and activities.

We take part in Mental Health Week on an annual basis.


Visit our Supporting Mental Health page to find out more.

Protected Characteristics

At school, we teach children about the protected characteristics during PSHE lessons, through assemblies and at other points throughout the year. Children learn that it is against the law to discriminate against someone because of their protected characteristics. 

Children learn the following protected characteristics:

  • Age
  • Disability 
  • Sex
  • Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • Sexual Orientation 
  • Race
  • Pregnancy and maternity 
  • Religion and beliefs
  • Gender reassignment  

We also teach children about the meaning of the word discrimination. Children learn that discrimination is the unfair treatment of people because they belong to a particular group or because they have a particular characteristic. We also teach the children that individual characteristics make people unique. 

Children at Dallimore know that if others are unkind to someone because of a particular characteristic or try to be funny about a particular characteristic, they should remember START (start telling and reporting trouble). Children know that reporting these things to a trusted adult is the right thing to do. 

Click on the image below for further information about protected characteristics. 


The Dallimore Passport

One of the main ways will promote the British Values and ensure that our children develop strong morals is through our Dallimore Passport. The Passport is a booklet of tasks that require children to work with their local community through a variety of means such as raising money, litter picking and lots more. This is accessible, easy for the children to keep on top of and, most importantly, fun for them to complete as there are rewards for completing each ‘stage’. Each stage becomes progressively harder; the Passport is designed to last from the time children start school in Reception to Year 6. 

The Dallimore Passport is also something that the children can keep and be proud of as it is designed to broaden their own personal horizons, make their community a better place and ensure that they feel a part of something bigger than themselves.

The Passport is also designed to be shared with their peers as some tasks will require help from others. This means that they do not have to complete the entire book purely on their own and shows that there are many opportunities in life to work with those around us to achieve a goal.

Click on the button below to view the Dallimore Passport. 

Community Champion

Mr Frost is our Community Champion. In addition to running the School Council and launching the Dallimore Passport, he aims to provide opportunities for the children to engage in their local and wider community through trips out, experiences, bringing visitors into school and much more. 

We work with local members of the community such as our community centre, local clubs and initiatives and our church. This provides our children with an excellent opportunity to further their own personal development, contribute to their local community and be responsible, respectful, active citizens who contribute positively to society as a whole.

Some of the community activities we have recently taken part in include taking the children to our local respite centre, visiting the local church for the Remembrance Day service, litter picking at the local park and streets near to school and singing Christmas carols at the local community care home. 

Mr Frost - Community Champion


We participate in the Eco-Schools programme. Eco-Schools is a global initiative empowering young people to drive environmental change. It's a structured learning programme designed to foster sustainability within our school and wider community.

We've proudly established our Eco-Committee, a dedicated group of students and staff, who lead our efforts. Together, we tackle environmental issues through projects focused on areas like waste reduction, energy conservation, and biodiversity enhancement. These not only benefit our school but also contribute to a more sustainable future for our local community.

Our ultimate goal is to achieve the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag by the end of this academic year. We believe this journey will instil a sense of environmental responsibility in our children and create a lasting positive impact.

Mr Edwards is responsible for the Eco-Committee.